My Work Showcase
Since beginning my journey in this field, my dedication to the work and motivation to grow have led me to exceptional projects and experiences. I’m grateful for a profession I’m passionate about, and am proud to share examples of my greatest work.
©2023 by Fiona(Chuyu)Chen. Proudly created with
Background: The House Mill on the River Lea, a tributary of the Upper Thames in East London, is a well-known historic tidal mill and one of the best preserved of the area's eight historic water mills. However, historical industrial activity polluted the river, and damming slowed water flow and increased algal blooms in the Lea River.
The project aims to revitalise the surrounding undeveloped community and industrial heritage through the sustainable economic cycle of algae, The House Mill will be adaptively reused to create a centre for microalgae bioenergy production and a future healthy community centre; the old building serves as a dialogue with the past, and the new space is planned to allow for a variety of healing and fun community activities. The entire space of the old mill will be fully utilised here. The tidal water wheel will serves as the initial power source for the micro-algae installation.
Background: silvertown is a historic industrial area on the banks of the River Thames, which for a long time has been difficult to transform into an attractive venue for visitors due to zoning issues and historical factors. The site is located to the west of the tate suger factory and it was a challenge to transform the portable frame patera building into a theatre focused on the factory.
My concept is to build a varied, permeable industrial style theatre, hoping to bring more visitors to the area by intervening in the partra building, preserving the industrial environment and the original architecture of this site. So I made the main body of the theatre a circular stage that can be opened and closed, extending the interior space from west to east, so that there are almost no dead ends when walking through the building, the circular pedestrian flow let you reach where you want to go. In addition, the circular stage at the opening also serves as a frame for the tate suger factory, allowing visitors to enjoy the collision of the old factory and theatre.
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©2023 by Fiona(Chuyu)Chen. Proudly created with